Bath Robes for Dogs??

I would like to say my first impression was shock that something like this was neccessary and that someone would even buy this.  Well as a gift from our friend Katie, she sent one in the mail for Beetle.  After using it,   I could not have been more pleased about how fast he dried.   The robe soaked most the water and in 10 minutes he was dry. He wasn’t shivering  running  all over the house dragging himself on the rugs to dry himself off.  He doesn’t like to wear the robe however when he runs along the floor, he is rubbing water into the robe instead of the rugs.  I definitely would recommend them out of practicality.  The Microfiber ones soak more water.  I found a good selection on Ebay.

bathrobe modeled by Beetle

bathrobe modeled by Tough GuyTough Guy as model

Shampoos & Conditioners

There are so many types of dog shampoos out there,its hard to keep track.  Can people shampoos be used on dogs?

I have read that we have a different ph level than dogs but I don’t have hard facts to prove.  The only thing I have is my own experiences of clients coming in and explaining skin reactions to human shampoos.  For this, I don’t use them on Beetle or clients.

I tend to make my choices by scent, ingredients, and results.  If the label has a huge paragraph of ingredients with words I can’t pronounce or understand,  I usually shy away from the product.  I also take notice where its manufactured.  With all the scares of oversea facilities going the cheaper route instead of safety, I tend to go with products made in the USA.  England and Germany also have an excellent reputation  being involved with grooming supplies.   Be sure to read  the label,  leave on recommended time, age requirements, etc. This is especially important for vet recommended shampoos,  follow the instructions to get optimum results.

So far I really like these brands. —I use these in the salon, they are scented nicely and a quarter size of shampoo goes a long way.  Made in California –also used in the salon, they also make soap bars which go a long way on  short coated breeds (found at some stores including Pet Food Express).  I have only bought two bars in 12 months for bathing Beetle every 10- 14 days.   Made in San Francisco, CA

Wags shampoo & conditioner

wagsshampoo1Found at Petsmart or other boutiques,  excellent smell and benefits. Unfortunately this is the only size bottle available. Made in USA


They are optional and can help with dry or easily tangled coats.  If your dog gets bathed often then conditoner would be helpful to replenish the moisture.  Beet gets a bath with conditioner every two weeks otherwise he itches himself into a dandruff mess.   I usually do not use conditioner on oily coats.

Important part of the life of your puppy

Socialization is a vital part of your puppy’s existence.  Some puppies that are not socialized may have a hard time with strangers, new experiences, house guests or family members.  Some do end up in shelters after dealing with a variety of behavior problems.

I have met many owners who chose not to socialize in the effect that they plan to have a dog as a protector.  A social dog can do the same when he senses fear or danger but also be gentle enough with a new experience of a newborn or someone watching your dog when you are out of town.

Puppy classes are a great way to help with these important beginnings in a dogs life.  I highly recommend a puppy class for your new little friend.

Grooming for your puppy

Bringing in your puppy before its completed its vaccinations may not a good idea and most reputable salons wouldn’t allow it due to the safety of the puppy. Parvo can kill a puppy in one week if not detected and other viruses can be just as deadly. However frequent home grooming practice is better than a one time visit at a groom shop every 4-8 weeks.

Combing and brushing two times a week is important. Root to tip, head, ears, face, tail, legs, all over. Most puppies will try to nip or scream, try to make them comfortable but also be focused. Make it rewarding with treats or with praise with what the puppy will allow. Give breaks if necessary.

Getting your puppy used to having its feet and nails touched. One helpful tip is to tap the nail with a pencil or pen, one by one just to get it used to the act of being handled in the future. If you are not able to trim the nails for whatever reason then when the groomer does it for the first time, it will be routine for your dog’s feet to be handled and not as traumatic.

For long haired dogs, trimming near the eyes may be apart of its future. One of the scariest tasks to trim near the eyes of a wiggly puppy with scissors or thinners hoping that no accidents happen. A helpful tip is use your fingers to piece the hair together near the inside corner eye including wiping any debris. Doing this two times a week should make an impact.

If a client works with their puppy two times a week=8 times a month, it definitely shows. They never put up a fight or flinch, for them its routine by the time they see a professional groomer making a comfortable situation for everyone.

Ear Cleaner

I have used so many products over the years but not with the success of Oxyfresh ear cleaner found on Ebay, online, or dog shows.

I bought a bottle at the San Ramon dog show in the summer and it has helped so much liquefying wax and making it easy to shake out and wiping.    My old co-worker had a chihuahua who made an vet appointment when I let her try it just to hold her over until the next day,  her dog soon stopped pawing at her ear and head.  It has no burning alcohol,  its soothing and deodorizing.  Oxyfresh Ear Cleaner gently loosens dirt and  has unique Oxygen bacteria-neutralizing solution for maximum odor control and cleansing capability without the addition of harsh ingredients.
Granted if you think there is any open wounds or ruptured ear drum  do not use.  

Recommended Use: Put 10-15 drops into each ear. Massage the ears at the base. Let your pet shake their head somewhere outside or in bathtub then wipe any remaining debris from the of the ear. May be repeated until no more debris is found. For routine cleaning. Use as needed.