90% of clients have this problem with high maintenance coats. Unfortunately most the time the coat is surfaced brushed and each stand is not being separated properly especially near the roots. Top layer is mat free and then as we get deep into the sections, our combs can’t penetrate.

Tips of hair is nicely brushed, roots are totally matted. When we shave to relieve the skin, it comes off like a pelt
- Here is one solid matted piece. This is a haven for fleas, fungus, bacteria among other skin problems.
Some excuses used:
*It’s been raining–Important to comb and brush after any water interaction
*I went out of town–Leave them with someone who can adequately care for them internally and externally.
*He/She doesn’t like it or cries–Repetition, consistency, practice two times a week with positive reinforcement will help.
*He/She has been chewing herself–If chewing is apparent, comb and brush daily
*The weather is so dry–Moisturize with spray or conditioner and comb/brush every other day
*His/Her collar is matting the neck–Collar to prevent matting called a Rolled Leather Collar or brush/comb daily after removing it flat collar
*I’ve been busy–No words to say looking at the nice manicure and fresh highlights
For some it may have to be done every other day and for others once a week. Imagine our hair if we didn’t comb it.
In fact I did get a call from a father whose daughter was in a very serious car accident with serious head trauma. The blood and hair not being brushed for days became matted. They wanted my help on tips how to help. Same concept except with water, dirt,sand, dander, saliva or food caked into the hair.
Depending on the hair texture, find your spot where the comb can’t go through then use a slicker brush to break apart the mat. You can use a de-tangling spray from a pet store which will lube the hair shafts to help slide out tangles better. I usually let the spray sit in for 10 minutes and work on a different section in the meantime.
Back again, go with the comb, if the comb gets stuck then get the slicker brush and break apart and then comb to see if you got it out then back again. Needless to say this is very time consuming and the reason why some groom shops shave instead of demat or apply demat charges. And severe cases only option is shaving. There are mat breakers which are great but keep in mind you have a row of razors with a handle and if you don’t know what you are doing, your dog may need stitches.